This page contains links to the policies and procedures of the Maine Community College System. They are listed below by topic. Procedures (in italics) have been adopted by the colleges to conform to and implement the policies. Additional information about MCCS Policies and Procedures is available under the Legal Tab at the top of this page.


101   Introduction
102   Numbering System
103   Adopting a Policy
104   Mission and Goals
105   Board of Trustees
106   System President: Powers and Duties
107   System President: Annual Evaluation
108   Presidents of the Colleges
109   Designation of Campuses, Centers and Sites


  • Document Retention (200.1)
  • E-Discovery Procedure (200.2)
201   Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
202   Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and other Sex-Based Conduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking  
  • College Procedure for Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment  and Affirmative Action Complaints (201.1/202.1)
  • Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Other Sex-Based Conduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking Procedure (202.2)
203   Computer and Network Use
  • Notice of Risk to Personal Data  (203.1)  
  • Information Practices  (203.2)  
204   Freedom of Access Act Compliance
  • Freedom of Access Act Compliance (204.1)
205   Emeritus Status for Faculty and Administrators
206   Creating Patents and Copyrights
207   Complying with Copyright Laws
  • Copyright Law Compliance (207.1)
208   Indemnification, Legal Representation and Liability Insurance
209   Reporting and Investigating of Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Misuse 
        of System Assets
210   Free Speech and Orderly Operations
211   Political Activities

212   Lobbying and Related Activities

213   Social Media
  • Service and Assistance Animals (214.1)
215  Consensual Romantic and Sexual Relationships


Reporting Procedures
Procedures for Student Data Reporting (300.1
Academic Policies 
301    Definition of Program of Study and Units of Credits
302   Criteria for Academic Credentials
303   Program Planning and Discontinuance         
  • New Program Planning (303.1)   
  • Program Discontinuance (303.2)
  • Program Name Change (303.3)
  • Adding or Deleting an Option from AS and 
    AAS  Programs of Study (303.4)
  • Adding a Certificate Program of Study to an
    Approved Diploma or Associate Degree Program
    of Study (303.5)
  • Awarding an Additional Credential to or in Place
    of an Existing Program of Study in the Same  Discipline (303.6)   
  • Adding or Deleting a "Concentration" to the Liberal  Studies 
    AA Program of Study (303.7)
  • Change a General Studies Offering (303.8)
304   Program Advisory Committees
  • Academic Affairs Council (304.1)
305   Substantive Change in Academic Programs Other than the
         Liberal Studies Program
  • Substantive Change in Academic Programs (305.1)
306   Program Review
  • Program Review (306.1)
307  Credit Transfer Policy
308   Use of Experiential Education in Program Curricula
309   Student Grade Appeals and Academic Misconduct
310   Student Issues Arising at Clinical Affiliates
311   Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Programs
312   Prior Learning Assessment Standards
313  Digital Badging
  • Digital Badging Compliance (313.1 and Form)
314   Learning Management System


Vacation Leave Accrual for MEA Administrators Unit (400.1)
401    Introduction
  • Deferred Compensation Plan Administration (401.1)
402    Placement, Evaluation and Adjustment of
        Positions and Salaries
403    Confidential Employees: General

404    Confidential Employees: Benefits
  • Confidential Employee Leave (404.1)
405    Public Disclosure of Employment Applications

   Personnel File Administration
407    Disability Accommodations in Employment

408    Verifying Employment Eligibility
409   Military Service
410   Conflict of Interest and Outside Commitments
  • Conflicts of Interest (410.1)
411    Nepotism
412   Wages, Hours, Overtime, and Employment of Minors
  • Overtime and Compensatory Time (412.1)
413   College Presidential Searches
414   Hiring Procedures
  • Recruitment and Hiring (414.1)     
415    Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (415.1)         
416    Code of Ethics
417   Volunteers 
  • Volunteer Application and Agreement Form 


501    Student Code of Conduct
  •  Guidelines for Sexual Assault First Responders (501.2)
502    Uniform FERPA Notice and Policy

503   Regulation of Student Organizations

504   Special Conditions of Admission, Enrollment and Participation


601   Coordinated Public Relations

   Use of Institutional Names, Marks and Logos

603   Filming and Photography on MCCS Property


701    Governance

702    Budgeting

703    Financial Reporting

704    Payroll Administration

705    Purchasing

706    Investments

707    Tuition, Fees, Charges, Waivers and Refunds
  • Fee Structure Procedure ( 707.1 )
  • Tuition Waiver and Reduction Program for
    Qualified High School Students for the MDOE
    Aspirations Program, the MCCS  On Course  For College
    Option, and other Dual Enrollment Programs
    Authorized by a College for a  Particular High School(s) ( 707.2 )
  • Tuition Benefits for Service Members and Veterans of the Armed Forces and their Dependents ( 707.3 )
  • Native American Tuition Waiver ( 707.4 )
  • Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver (707.6)
708    Qualification for In-State Tuition Rate

709   Student Debts, Student Emergency Loans 
        and Student 
Activity Funds

710    College Affiliation with Foundations
  • College Capital Campaigns ( 710.1) 
711    Acceptance of Gifts
712   Naming of Facilities and Spaces
713   Facility Management
714   Taxation
715   Contracts 


  • Motor Vehicle Procedure ( 800.1 )  
  • Student Travel for Certain Student Activities
    Approved by the College ( 800.2 )  
  • Intercollegiate Athletic Coach Certifications (800.3 )   
801    Safety in the Workplace and Learning Environment

802     Public Order and Hazing
803   Firearms
804   Drugs and Alcohol
805   Contingency and Emergency Planning
806   Smoking and Other Use of Tobacco
807   College Crime Reporting
  • Clery Act Campus Crime Alerts ( 807.1 )   
808    Residence Hall Safety
809    Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Disease
  • Infectious Diseases ( 809.1 )    
810    Student Immunizations
811    Fireworks 


902   Information Security
  • Information Security 902.1
903   Information Classification

904   Red Flag Rule and Identity Theft
905   Security Breach Management and Notification
906   Information Systems Risk Management

907   Technology Service Providers
908   European Union General Data Protection Regulation Compliance